
Getting started

So, I have finally reached the 6 month mark.  6 months since I was released from what was the torment of my last time working for someone else.

Lets call it Un-Work, not Unemployed.  I am working...  Just not as you would expect.

I spent the first few months frantically trying to get a job, because that is what I am supposed to do, right?  I applied everywhere, and got few, if any responses.  truth is I was not ready to go to work.  I had just spent 12 years of my soul building a company and not being listened to.

I get up early in the morning, make coffee, see my wife off to work, chat with the kids, and retreat into my cave.  once there I start making call backs.  calls to potential clients, calls to old customers, calls to friends and family.  I am in touch a whole lot more.

It has paid off.  I am negotiating a part time development management gig that will fulfill my financial needs, plus I am writing for an old client at a significant rate.  between these I am healthier and happier than I have been in a while.

I figure that if I am writing for others I can start writing for myself as well.  Just random musings related to Kids, Scouting, Dogs, technology, management, etc...

In the last 6 months I have dealt with loosing my job, loosing my dad, and regaining my soul.  More on all that later

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