
The ABCs of HCCs: Decoding CMS's Hierarchical Condition Categories #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

The ABCs of HCCs: Decoding CMS's Hierarchical Condition Categories on ADVANCE for Health Information Professionals

The ABCs of HCCs: Decoding CMS's Hierarchical Condition Categories

In 2004 Medicare implemented an HCC (Hierarchical Condition Categories) model to adjust capitation payments to private health care plans for the health expenditure risk of their enrollees.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Risk Adjustment Model measures the disease burden that includes 70 HCC categories, which are correlated to diagnosis codes.
CMS' model is accumulative, meaning that a patient can have more than one HCC category assigned to them. Some categories override other categories and there is a hierarchy of categories.

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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

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