
Here's why healthcare should be talking about net neutrality #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

Here's why healthcare should be talking about net neutrality - Modern Healthcare

By Darius Tahir  | November 19, 2014

The techie term “net neutrality” likely isn't in the daily lexicon of most senior healthcare executives. But it should be, and soon, argue those in healthcare technology who have been following the topic.

The wireless telecommunications industry's trade group, CTIA, for example, has been circulating a letter to healthcare organizations, asking their support to oppose regulation that would ensure continued net neutrality. But others argue healthcare benefits from net neutrality and should be lobbying for its continuance via a new Federal Communications Commission mandate.

Net neutrality means everyone sending data is treated the same by carriers like Verizon and others; no one can pay or be charged more for faster transmission speeds and none can be barred from sending data. The tool that net neutrality advocates want to use—Title II of the FCC's authorization act—would essentially make internet traffic into a public utility. 

The FCC is expected to rule either by year-end or early next year.

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