
Coalition for ICD-10 Convenes on Capitol Hill #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

Coalition for ICD-10 Convenes on Capitol Hill: Event Recap | Coalition for ICD-10

Coalition for ICD-10 Convenes on Capitol Hill: Event Recap

The Coalition for ICD-10 hosted a Capitol Hill briefing for House and Senate Congressional healthcare staffers on September 23, 2014 that featured a panel of speakers representing a broad spectrum of the healthcare community.Physicians, hospital executives, physician office managers, researchers and health plans all urged the adoption of the ICD-10 coding update in October 2015.
Summarized below is the commentary from each speaker at the event, as well as questions from the audience and responses from the panel speakers.

Click the link above for access to the article

#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

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