Medicaid DSH cuts mean crisis for some hospitals | Healthcare Finance News
The DSH cuts were delayed until 2017 by last year’s Medicare payment law, but the cuts are still set to come and will be substantial
Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta is facing the possibility of reducing services for low-income populations as a way to adapt to Medicaid DSH cuts.Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta is facing the possibility of reducing services for low-income populations as a way to adapt to Medicaid DSH cuts.
Hospitals dependent on Medicaid disproportionate share allocations must discover new financing models for low-income patients, or else lobby their state governments to make policy changes.
According to a new study in Health Affairs, many struggling American hospitals are reliant on Medicaid disproportionate share payments as a source of revenue, even as these payments fade away and uninsured patients remain so in states that aren’t expanding Medicaid eligibility.
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MGMA14: Navicure CEO Discusses Challenges Faced by Providers #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
MGMA14: Navicure CEO Discusses Challenges Faced by Providers -
Nov 6, 2014 | Posted by Carol
The annual MGMA conference gives medical practices an opportunity to learn, collaborate and network with peers. Always Forward was the theme for this year’s conference held in Las Vegas this year. With that tagline in mind, we sat down and interviewed key executives from companies and organizations exhibiting at the conference. While many of our questions were framed around our wheelhouse of meaningful use, HIPAA security and interoperability, certainly the topics of revenue cycle management and next year’s ICD-10 deadline were front and center at the conference.
In addressing RCM and transitioning to ICD-10, we sat down with Jim Denny, CEO of Navicure. Navicure is a leading cloud-based claims clearinghouse and patient payment solutions company that serves more than 50,000 healthcare providers across the U.S
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Nov 6, 2014 | Posted by Carol
The annual MGMA conference gives medical practices an opportunity to learn, collaborate and network with peers. Always Forward was the theme for this year’s conference held in Las Vegas this year. With that tagline in mind, we sat down and interviewed key executives from companies and organizations exhibiting at the conference. While many of our questions were framed around our wheelhouse of meaningful use, HIPAA security and interoperability, certainly the topics of revenue cycle management and next year’s ICD-10 deadline were front and center at the conference.
In addressing RCM and transitioning to ICD-10, we sat down with Jim Denny, CEO of Navicure. Navicure is a leading cloud-based claims clearinghouse and patient payment solutions company that serves more than 50,000 healthcare providers across the U.S
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Large organizations press on with ICD-10; worri... #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Large organizations press on with ICD-10; worri...
Large organizations press on with ICD-10; worries plague smaller groups
From - November 6, 4:59 PM
Organizations continue to prepare for testing and the switch to ICD-10, but smaller entities still anticipate difficulties, according to an AHIMA survey.
The survey, conducted in May and June, included representatives from 454 healthcare organizations, most from hospitals and physician practices.
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Large organizations press on with ICD-10; worries plague smaller groups
From - November 6, 4:59 PM
Organizations continue to prepare for testing and the switch to ICD-10, but smaller entities still anticipate difficulties, according to an AHIMA survey.
The survey, conducted in May and June, included representatives from 454 healthcare organizations, most from hospitals and physician practices.
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Report: Health Care Organizations Vary in ICD-10 Readiness #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Report: Health Care Organizations Vary in ICD-10 Readiness - iHealthBeat
Thursday, November 6, 2014
While a majority of health care organizations are on track to conduct end-to-end ICD-10 testing prior to the October 2015 compliance date, several smaller organizations appear to be struggling, according to a new report, Health Data Management reports (Slabodkin, Health Data Management, 11/5).
Background on ICD-10
U.S. health care organizations are working to transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 code sets to accommodate codes for new diseases and procedures. The switch means that health care providers and insurers will have to change out about 14,000 codes for about 69,000 codes.
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Thursday, November 6, 2014
While a majority of health care organizations are on track to conduct end-to-end ICD-10 testing prior to the October 2015 compliance date, several smaller organizations appear to be struggling, according to a new report, Health Data Management reports (Slabodkin, Health Data Management, 11/5).
Background on ICD-10
U.S. health care organizations are working to transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 code sets to accommodate codes for new diseases and procedures. The switch means that health care providers and insurers will have to change out about 14,000 codes for about 69,000 codes.
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Healthcare Execs Try to Be Optimistic About ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Healthcare Execs Try to Be Optimistic About ICD-10
November 6, 2014, 11:25:39 AM
Laura Joszt
Despite numerous delays and the difficulty of preparing for ICD-10, there are reasons to be optimistic for the transition, according to the results of a new survey.
The eHealth Initiative survey by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) gathered responses from 454 healthcare representatives to assess the anticipated impact of ICD-10 implementation, specifically focusing on: readiness for testing; anticipated financial, clinical, and operational impacts; and strategic implications of an expanded code set.
A majority of respondents could begin end-to-end testing prior to the fourth quarter of 2015, when compliance is set to begin, but 17% don’t know when testing will begin and 10% have no current plans for end-to-end testing.
“These results demonstrate that the healthcare community has stayed on track with preparation despite delays and that as healthcare executives continue to learn more about the specificity in ICD-10, they see clear value in it,” Lynne Thomas Gordon, MBA, RHIA, CAE, FACHE, FAHIMA, chief executive officer of AHIMA, said in a statement.
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November 6, 2014, 11:25:39 AM
Laura Joszt
Despite numerous delays and the difficulty of preparing for ICD-10, there are reasons to be optimistic for the transition, according to the results of a new survey.
The eHealth Initiative survey by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) gathered responses from 454 healthcare representatives to assess the anticipated impact of ICD-10 implementation, specifically focusing on: readiness for testing; anticipated financial, clinical, and operational impacts; and strategic implications of an expanded code set.
A majority of respondents could begin end-to-end testing prior to the fourth quarter of 2015, when compliance is set to begin, but 17% don’t know when testing will begin and 10% have no current plans for end-to-end testing.
“These results demonstrate that the healthcare community has stayed on track with preparation despite delays and that as healthcare executives continue to learn more about the specificity in ICD-10, they see clear value in it,” Lynne Thomas Gordon, MBA, RHIA, CAE, FACHE, FAHIMA, chief executive officer of AHIMA, said in a statement.
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CY 2015 HH Prospective Payment System Rate Update... #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2015 Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update; Home Health Quality Reporting Requirements; and Survey...
Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.
SUMMARY: This final rule updates Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) rates, including the national, standardized 60-day episode payment rates, the national per-visit rates, and the non-routine medical supply (NRS) conversion factor under the Medicare prospective payment system for home health agencies (HHAs), effective for episodes ending on or after January 1, 2015. As required by the Affordable Care Act, this rule implements the second year of the four-year phase-in of the rebasing adjustments to the HH PPS payment rates. This rule provides information on our efforts to monitor the potential impacts of the rebasing adjustments and the Affordable Care Act mandated face-to-face encounter requirement. This rule also implements: Changes to simplify the face-to-face encounter regulatory requirements; changes to the HH PPS case-mix weights; changes to the home health quality reporting program requirements; changes to simplify the therapy reassessment timeframes; a revision to the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) personnel qualifications; minor technical regulations text changes; and limitations on the reviewability of the civil monetary penalty provisions. Finally, this rule also discusses Medicare coverage of insulin injections under the HH PPS, the delay in the implementation of the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), and a HH value-based purchasing (HH VBP) model.
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Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.
SUMMARY: This final rule updates Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) rates, including the national, standardized 60-day episode payment rates, the national per-visit rates, and the non-routine medical supply (NRS) conversion factor under the Medicare prospective payment system for home health agencies (HHAs), effective for episodes ending on or after January 1, 2015. As required by the Affordable Care Act, this rule implements the second year of the four-year phase-in of the rebasing adjustments to the HH PPS payment rates. This rule provides information on our efforts to monitor the potential impacts of the rebasing adjustments and the Affordable Care Act mandated face-to-face encounter requirement. This rule also implements: Changes to simplify the face-to-face encounter regulatory requirements; changes to the HH PPS case-mix weights; changes to the home health quality reporting program requirements; changes to simplify the therapy reassessment timeframes; a revision to the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) personnel qualifications; minor technical regulations text changes; and limitations on the reviewability of the civil monetary penalty provisions. Finally, this rule also discusses Medicare coverage of insulin injections under the HH PPS, the delay in the implementation of the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), and a HH value-based purchasing (HH VBP) model.
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ICD-10 Word Search #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
ICD-10 Word Search
Highlight the following hidden words then submit
to for your chance
to FREE set of ICD-10 flashcards!
ICD-10 Word Search
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ICD-10 Word Search
Highlight the following hidden words then submit
to for your chance
to FREE set of ICD-10 flashcards!
ICD-10 Word Search
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CMS ICD-10 Testing Opportunities #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
CMS ICD-10 Testing Opportunities | Phoenix Health Systems
By Andrea Steffes-Tuttle
When the decision to delay ICD-10 was made, movement towards the implementation of the new code set came to a halt. Now that the new deadline is set for October 1, 2015, momentum is starting to build once again, albeit slowly.
In an effort to assist providers with their strategy for the new deadline, we conducted a Webinar and published a recording for those who were seeking guidance on re-strategizing for the new deadline.
During the Webinar, there were a few unanswered questions, one of them being, “Will there be additional testing opportunities with CMS?” Since the publication of our Webinar, an answer to this question has been provided and we’d like to share that information with you.
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By Andrea Steffes-Tuttle
When the decision to delay ICD-10 was made, movement towards the implementation of the new code set came to a halt. Now that the new deadline is set for October 1, 2015, momentum is starting to build once again, albeit slowly.
In an effort to assist providers with their strategy for the new deadline, we conducted a Webinar and published a recording for those who were seeking guidance on re-strategizing for the new deadline.
During the Webinar, there were a few unanswered questions, one of them being, “Will there be additional testing opportunities with CMS?” Since the publication of our Webinar, an answer to this question has been provided and we’d like to share that information with you.
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Horizon's Approach to ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Horizon's Approach to ICD-10 | Horizon BCBSNJ
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a final rule that formally establishes October 1, 2015 as the new ICD-10 compliance date. The rule also requires the continued use of ICD-9 through September 30, 2015.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey intends to be fully compliant with all Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations and mandated dates for acceptance of ICD-10. We will continue to work with our providers and business partners to ensure that our supporting systems, policies and procedures comply with mandated requirements.
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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a final rule that formally establishes October 1, 2015 as the new ICD-10 compliance date. The rule also requires the continued use of ICD-9 through September 30, 2015.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey intends to be fully compliant with all Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations and mandated dates for acceptance of ICD-10. We will continue to work with our providers and business partners to ensure that our supporting systems, policies and procedures comply with mandated requirements.
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Diagnostic Coding with ICD-10; the Current Key to Communication #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Diagnostic Coding with ICD-10; the Current Key to Communication | Managing Managed Care
Thu, 2014-11-06 12:17 -- Dr. Kaplan
Coding systems that support clinical decision-making and 'measurement and management,' the modus operandi of Managed Care.
Dr. Andrew Wiesenthal* recommends that we take a hard look at the ICD-10 coding system and consider moving towards Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT), which is mapped to the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine–Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT©). It is more transferable or sharable than the ICD alternative and it is an internationally-accepted standard vocabulary and classification system. Most importantly, it supports clinical decision-making because it is hierarchical (rather than simply an ICD-like list). Wiesenthal says it is "a lot closer to doctor- and nurse-speak," [For instance,] "If you want to identify a diabetic person with kidney disease, there is a unique naming in Snomed for diabetic neuropathy. It's in the diabetes and the kidney hierarchy."
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Thu, 2014-11-06 12:17 -- Dr. Kaplan
Coding systems that support clinical decision-making and 'measurement and management,' the modus operandi of Managed Care.
Dr. Andrew Wiesenthal* recommends that we take a hard look at the ICD-10 coding system and consider moving towards Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT), which is mapped to the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine–Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT©). It is more transferable or sharable than the ICD alternative and it is an internationally-accepted standard vocabulary and classification system. Most importantly, it supports clinical decision-making because it is hierarchical (rather than simply an ICD-like list). Wiesenthal says it is "a lot closer to doctor- and nurse-speak," [For instance,] "If you want to identify a diabetic person with kidney disease, there is a unique naming in Snomed for diabetic neuropathy. It's in the diabetes and the kidney hierarchy."
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Confessions of ICD-10 deniers #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Insights from the MGMA 2014 Conference | ADP AdvancedMD
Last week’s whirlwind, the 2014 Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Conference in sunny Las Vegas, was one of our biggest this year. Here are some amazing takeaways from the #MGMA14 show that we’ll be diving into more deeply in the months to come:
Confessions of ICD-10 deniers
Many practices that came to our booth shared confessions. A surprising number of them told us that in struggling to meet the ICD-10 deadline, time wasn’t the real opponent. Instead the culture of the industry and its impact on their practice, plus fear of the unknown, were the challenges they were really up against. We asked many about the idea of having their practices assessed for ICD-10 risk—and in response there seemed to be many who were in active denial about the impending 2015 deadline.
In the wake of target regulation compliance deadlines, it’s as if many practices have “gone beyond” to an even more challenging state of mind. Comments were to the tune of ‘I already know I’m in trouble, I just don’t want to know how badly.’ Unfortunately, our research shows that if you follow MGMA keynote speaker Lou Holtz’ advice, the two most important things you can do really are “helping patients” and “keeping your organizations solvent or profitable.” Holtz claims that anything more complicates the task at hand. So…how can we help? We want you to succeed and so do your patients.
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Last week’s whirlwind, the 2014 Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Conference in sunny Las Vegas, was one of our biggest this year. Here are some amazing takeaways from the #MGMA14 show that we’ll be diving into more deeply in the months to come:
Confessions of ICD-10 deniers
Many practices that came to our booth shared confessions. A surprising number of them told us that in struggling to meet the ICD-10 deadline, time wasn’t the real opponent. Instead the culture of the industry and its impact on their practice, plus fear of the unknown, were the challenges they were really up against. We asked many about the idea of having their practices assessed for ICD-10 risk—and in response there seemed to be many who were in active denial about the impending 2015 deadline.
In the wake of target regulation compliance deadlines, it’s as if many practices have “gone beyond” to an even more challenging state of mind. Comments were to the tune of ‘I already know I’m in trouble, I just don’t want to know how badly.’ Unfortunately, our research shows that if you follow MGMA keynote speaker Lou Holtz’ advice, the two most important things you can do really are “helping patients” and “keeping your organizations solvent or profitable.” Holtz claims that anything more complicates the task at hand. So…how can we help? We want you to succeed and so do your patients.
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Outgoing AHIMA President Angela Kennedy talks 2015 priorities #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Outgoing AHIMA President Angela Kennedy talks 2015 priorities
by:Shaun Sutner
Departing AHIMA President Angela Kennedy explains why the conversion to ICD-10 shouldn't be put off any longer.
In this podcast, recorded at the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Convention and Exhibit in San Diego, SearchHealthIT talked with Angela Kennedy, the departing AHIMA president and chairman, about data governance, interoperability, ICD-10, and how health information management directors can best work with CIOs.
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by:Shaun Sutner
Departing AHIMA President Angela Kennedy explains why the conversion to ICD-10 shouldn't be put off any longer.
In this podcast, recorded at the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Convention and Exhibit in San Diego, SearchHealthIT talked with Angela Kennedy, the departing AHIMA president and chairman, about data governance, interoperability, ICD-10, and how health information management directors can best work with CIOs.
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What are the New Job Requirements for Medical Billing Specialists? #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
What are the New Job Requirements for Medical Billing Specialists? | Latest Update on Medical Billing -
Posted on November 5, 2014 by Jacob Thomas
What are the New Job Requirements for Medical Billing Specialists?Medical Billing specialists play a vital part in preventing the US healthcare administrative system from falling apart. Their astuteness in creating detailed billing records and efficiently coded invoices ensure that the business side of healthcare does not hamper the medical attention that patients need. The contribution of these specialists goes a long way in helping the provider as well as payers to carry out their roles efficiently. They carry out the unenviable task of ensuring that payments and reimbursements are made properly and on time.
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Posted on November 5, 2014 by Jacob Thomas
What are the New Job Requirements for Medical Billing Specialists?Medical Billing specialists play a vital part in preventing the US healthcare administrative system from falling apart. Their astuteness in creating detailed billing records and efficiently coded invoices ensure that the business side of healthcare does not hamper the medical attention that patients need. The contribution of these specialists goes a long way in helping the provider as well as payers to carry out their roles efficiently. They carry out the unenviable task of ensuring that payments and reimbursements are made properly and on time.
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How Medical Coding Mistakes Affect your Revenue? #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
How Medical Coding Mistakes Affect your Revenue? | Latest Update on Medical Billing -
Posted on November 3, 2014 by Jacob Thomas
Medical coding errors lead to denied or delayed payments. Practices also lose significant time in tracking the source of the mistake. Since practices generate majority of their revenue through submission of CPT and ICD-9 codes to third party payers, physicians cannot afford to miss revenue opportunities due to coding errors.
Every single lost or delayed payment can affect the financial health of a medical practice. Therefore, accuracy in coding is necessary. Coders need to avoid some of the common mistakes in order to ensure a steady stream of payment.
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Posted on November 3, 2014 by Jacob Thomas
Medical coding errors lead to denied or delayed payments. Practices also lose significant time in tracking the source of the mistake. Since practices generate majority of their revenue through submission of CPT and ICD-9 codes to third party payers, physicians cannot afford to miss revenue opportunities due to coding errors.
Every single lost or delayed payment can affect the financial health of a medical practice. Therefore, accuracy in coding is necessary. Coders need to avoid some of the common mistakes in order to ensure a steady stream of payment.
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CCHIT ceases operations, donates assets to HIMSS Foundation #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
CCHIT ceases operations, donates assets to HIMSS Foundation
NOV 4 2014 10:02AM GMT
Posted by: MonicaVallejo
After ten years of working for the health IT community, the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) announced it will conclude all of its operations immediately. CCHIT said that all pending work will be completed by November 14.
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NOV 4 2014 10:02AM GMT
Posted by: MonicaVallejo
After ten years of working for the health IT community, the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) announced it will conclude all of its operations immediately. CCHIT said that all pending work will be completed by November 14.
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Setting the Facts Straight About ICD-10: What Physicians Need to Know #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Setting the Facts Straight About ICD-10: What Physicians Need to Know
About the Transition
Since the publication of the final rule for adoption of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS (“ICD-10”)in 2009, much attention has been paid to the new coding system’s implementation. While many organizations see the benefits of using ICD-10, including the ability to capture more detailed information, others have concerns, including the costs of implementation. Despite the significant amount of information that has been published about ICD-10 during the last 10 years, many misconceptions persist today. The information below covers basic facts about the ICD-10 transition that are of particular interest to the physician community.
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Setting the Facts Straight About ICD-10: What Physicians Need to Know
About the Transition
Since the publication of the final rule for adoption of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS (“ICD-10”)in 2009, much attention has been paid to the new coding system’s implementation. While many organizations see the benefits of using ICD-10, including the ability to capture more detailed information, others have concerns, including the costs of implementation. Despite the significant amount of information that has been published about ICD-10 during the last 10 years, many misconceptions persist today. The information below covers basic facts about the ICD-10 transition that are of particular interest to the physician community.
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Az HC changes the way MP profit from Billing #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Arizona Healthcare Company changes the way Medical Practices profit from Medical Billing, ICD-9 to ICD-10 Medical Coding, and Electronic Medical Records.
NOVEMBER 04, 2014 --
Chandler, Arizona (PRWEB) November 04, 2014
Nobility RCM, a Healthcare Company in Chandler, AZ is creating the Nobility Pre-Funding Program. The program is designed to help eliminate the uncertainty of medical billing and insurance reimbursement payments to physicians and medical practices.
The Nobility Pre-Funding Program solves the problem of declining reimbursements and rising costs by providing medical practices with predictable revenue every month. This provides financial stability, opens up great opportunity for better care, and helps build more successful practices.
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NOVEMBER 04, 2014 --
Chandler, Arizona (PRWEB) November 04, 2014
Nobility RCM, a Healthcare Company in Chandler, AZ is creating the Nobility Pre-Funding Program. The program is designed to help eliminate the uncertainty of medical billing and insurance reimbursement payments to physicians and medical practices.
The Nobility Pre-Funding Program solves the problem of declining reimbursements and rising costs by providing medical practices with predictable revenue every month. This provides financial stability, opens up great opportunity for better care, and helps build more successful practices.
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Post-election day: What’s it mean for health IT? #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Post-election day: What’s it mean for health IT?- POLITICO Morning eHealth -
By ASHLEY GOLD | 11/05/14 10:01 AM EDT
With help from David Pittman (@David_Pittman) and Arthur Allen (@ArthurAllen202)
GOP SWEEP: OPPORTUNITY FOR A FRESH START FOR HEALTH IT: Industry stakeholders agree that the newly Republican-controlled Senate gives health IT proponents a chance to reintroduce their beefs to Congress, and the new blood is expected to advance health IT issues that have been stagnant. Rep. Renee Ellmers, who introduced the Flex-IT Bill that would change the meaningful use stage 2 reporting period from 365 to 90 days, kept her seat. Rep. Fred Upton, who chairs the Energy & Commerce Committee and has been pushing health innovation with the 21st Century Cures initiative, won handily. The Senate, which under Democratic leadership had been less eager to attack the administration’s health IT program, should act on some legislation next year, said Health IT NOW executive director Joel White. He pointed out that three incoming senators — Rep. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Rep. James Lankford of Oklahoma — have major health policy experience under their belts. Capito wrote her own Medicare Part D bill as a congresswoman in 2003. Lankford chaired the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that oversaw health issues. Sasse was principal advisor to HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt in the George W. Bush administration. “He was on the inside creating a lot of these polices,” says White. “These guys know you either fix this stuff or get rid of it.”
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By ASHLEY GOLD | 11/05/14 10:01 AM EDT
With help from David Pittman (@David_Pittman) and Arthur Allen (@ArthurAllen202)
GOP SWEEP: OPPORTUNITY FOR A FRESH START FOR HEALTH IT: Industry stakeholders agree that the newly Republican-controlled Senate gives health IT proponents a chance to reintroduce their beefs to Congress, and the new blood is expected to advance health IT issues that have been stagnant. Rep. Renee Ellmers, who introduced the Flex-IT Bill that would change the meaningful use stage 2 reporting period from 365 to 90 days, kept her seat. Rep. Fred Upton, who chairs the Energy & Commerce Committee and has been pushing health innovation with the 21st Century Cures initiative, won handily. The Senate, which under Democratic leadership had been less eager to attack the administration’s health IT program, should act on some legislation next year, said Health IT NOW executive director Joel White. He pointed out that three incoming senators — Rep. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Rep. James Lankford of Oklahoma — have major health policy experience under their belts. Capito wrote her own Medicare Part D bill as a congresswoman in 2003. Lankford chaired the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that oversaw health issues. Sasse was principal advisor to HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt in the George W. Bush administration. “He was on the inside creating a lot of these polices,” says White. “These guys know you either fix this stuff or get rid of it.”
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Etransmedia Wins Multi-Million$ Award vs Allscripts in Decep Biz Case #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Etransmedia Wins Multi-Million Dollar Award against Allscripts Healthcare in High-Profile Deceptive Business Practice Case - MarketWatch
Published: Nov 6, 2014 5:57 a.m. ET
Troy, Nov 06, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) --
After a hard-fought trial, Etransmedia Technology, Inc. won a decisive victory when an arbitration panel in Raleigh, North Carolina ruled that Allscripts Healthcare, LLC MDRX, +0.37% with offices in Chicago, and Raleigh, NC, had breached its partner agreement with Etransmedia, and violated the North Carolina Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
The three-person arbitration panel found that Allscripts unfairly profited by inducing Etransmedia to pre-purchase Allscripts MyWay™ software licenses by assuring Etransmedia that Allscripts would make the product compliant with Medicare law and then failed to do so. Most notably, the Panel ruled that Allscripts "deliberately sabotaged" Etransmedia's sales efforts.
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Published: Nov 6, 2014 5:57 a.m. ET
Troy, Nov 06, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) --
After a hard-fought trial, Etransmedia Technology, Inc. won a decisive victory when an arbitration panel in Raleigh, North Carolina ruled that Allscripts Healthcare, LLC MDRX, +0.37% with offices in Chicago, and Raleigh, NC, had breached its partner agreement with Etransmedia, and violated the North Carolina Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
The three-person arbitration panel found that Allscripts unfairly profited by inducing Etransmedia to pre-purchase Allscripts MyWay™ software licenses by assuring Etransmedia that Allscripts would make the product compliant with Medicare law and then failed to do so. Most notably, the Panel ruled that Allscripts "deliberately sabotaged" Etransmedia's sales efforts.
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Commentary: Will GOP Change Health IT Policy? #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Commentary: Will GOP Change Health IT Policy? - HDM Top Stories Article | Health Data Management
Joseph Goedert
NOV 5, 2014
With Republicans in charge of both houses of Congress in January, some health information technology legislation that has languished might get resurrected in 2015, and efforts to challenge the statutory authority of federal agencies to regulate HIT also may be renewed.
The U.S. House in particular has seen several bills introduced in the past two years, generally led by a Republican member but some also co-sponsored by a Democrat. None of the bills could likely move on their own, but could get attached to legislation going through both chambers. Example: A new ICD-10 compliance date and delayed enforcement of the Medicare two-midnight payment policy were part of the “Doc-Fix” legislation enacted last spring to stave off a huge cut in Medicare reimbursement rates for physicians.
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Joseph Goedert
NOV 5, 2014
With Republicans in charge of both houses of Congress in January, some health information technology legislation that has languished might get resurrected in 2015, and efforts to challenge the statutory authority of federal agencies to regulate HIT also may be renewed.
The U.S. House in particular has seen several bills introduced in the past two years, generally led by a Republican member but some also co-sponsored by a Democrat. None of the bills could likely move on their own, but could get attached to legislation going through both chambers. Example: A new ICD-10 compliance date and delayed enforcement of the Medicare two-midnight payment policy were part of the “Doc-Fix” legislation enacted last spring to stave off a huge cut in Medicare reimbursement rates for physicians.
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HomeTown Health U Launches School of LTC ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
HomeTown Health University,, Launches School of Long Term Care
HomeTown Health University announces its newest course offerings in the School of Long Term Care - designed to educate caregivers in elder care situations, long term care facilities, assisted living facilities and swingbed programs
Cumming, GA (PRWEB) November 06, 2014
HomeTown Health University (HTHU),, has just recently expanded its courses to include a new School of Long Term Care, focused on training and educating staff in Long Term Care facilities such as Nursing Homes, as well as acute care facilities offering swing beds or elder care.
According to the Administration on Aging, by 2030 the number of people age 65 and older in the US is expected to rise to 71 million and compromise 20 percent of our population. “There is a definitive need within the healthcare community to be educated, prepared and ready to serve the older generation patients,” says Jennie Price, HomeTown Health Business Development Director, “we need to equip our staff today to provide the quality and specificity of care required by older patients in the facilities which those patients call home.”
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HomeTown Health University announces its newest course offerings in the School of Long Term Care - designed to educate caregivers in elder care situations, long term care facilities, assisted living facilities and swingbed programs
Cumming, GA (PRWEB) November 06, 2014
HomeTown Health University (HTHU),, has just recently expanded its courses to include a new School of Long Term Care, focused on training and educating staff in Long Term Care facilities such as Nursing Homes, as well as acute care facilities offering swing beds or elder care.
According to the Administration on Aging, by 2030 the number of people age 65 and older in the US is expected to rise to 71 million and compromise 20 percent of our population. “There is a definitive need within the healthcare community to be educated, prepared and ready to serve the older generation patients,” says Jennie Price, HomeTown Health Business Development Director, “we need to equip our staff today to provide the quality and specificity of care required by older patients in the facilities which those patients call home.”
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ICD-9 Codes 2014 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
ICD-9 Codes 2014 | Healthy Blog
The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (commonly known as the ICD) provides alpha-numeric codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or disease. Nearly every health condition can be assigned to a unique category and given a code, up to six characters long. Such categories usually include a set of similar diseases.
The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) is based on the World Health Organization’s Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9). ICD-9-CM is the official system of assigning codes to diagnoses and procedures associated with hospital utilization in the United States. The ICD-9 was used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates until 1999, when use of ICD-10 for mortality coding started.
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The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (commonly known as the ICD) provides alpha-numeric codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or disease. Nearly every health condition can be assigned to a unique category and given a code, up to six characters long. Such categories usually include a set of similar diseases.
The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) is based on the World Health Organization’s Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9). ICD-9-CM is the official system of assigning codes to diagnoses and procedures associated with hospital utilization in the United States. The ICD-9 was used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates until 1999, when use of ICD-10 for mortality coding started.
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Tufts MC Enrolls HIM in Libman Courses in Prep for ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Tufts Medical Center Enrolls HIM Staff in Libman Education Courses in Preparation for ICD-10 ImplementationLibman Education Inc.
Extensive course options provide comprehensive and complete review for both physician’s office coders and hospital coders
BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS – November 5, 2014 – Tufts Medical Center – one of the top tertiary hospitals in the nation according to US News & World Report – has enrolled its HIM staff in Libman Education’s ICD-10 preparation courses. The courses, which include Anatomy and Physiology, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS, were selected for staff in accordance with the training needs of their job.
“It is critical for our staff to be ahead of the curve and learn and understand material essential to successfully implementing ICD-10,” said Arnette A. Marbella, Director, CDM, and HIM Revenue Cycle of Tufts Medical Center. “This is especially important for an academic medical center like ours, which handles highly complex cases. Libman Education’s training grid allowed us to determine which courses were right for both Physician Office coding as well as Inpatient Coding. Their customized reporting and tracking provided necessary oversight to track and monitor coder progress and success.”
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Extensive course options provide comprehensive and complete review for both physician’s office coders and hospital coders
BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS – November 5, 2014 – Tufts Medical Center – one of the top tertiary hospitals in the nation according to US News & World Report – has enrolled its HIM staff in Libman Education’s ICD-10 preparation courses. The courses, which include Anatomy and Physiology, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS, were selected for staff in accordance with the training needs of their job.
“It is critical for our staff to be ahead of the curve and learn and understand material essential to successfully implementing ICD-10,” said Arnette A. Marbella, Director, CDM, and HIM Revenue Cycle of Tufts Medical Center. “This is especially important for an academic medical center like ours, which handles highly complex cases. Libman Education’s training grid allowed us to determine which courses were right for both Physician Office coding as well as Inpatient Coding. Their customized reporting and tracking provided necessary oversight to track and monitor coder progress and success.”
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Survey finds majority ready for end-to-end ICD-10 testing #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Survey finds majority ready for end-to-end ICD-10 testing | Clinical Innovation + Technology
Beth WalshNov 05, 2014
The majority of healthcare organizations are ready to conduct end-to-end ICD-10 testing, according to a survey conducted by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and eHealth Initiative.
Smaller organizations, however, such as physician practices, appear less equipped to test and are less informed regarding when their business partners will be prepared to conduct testing.
The survey of 454 individuals represented a wide range of healthcare settings including delivery systems, acute care hospitals, clinics and physician practices and sought to gauge readiness for testing and implementation, anticipated financial, clinical, and operational impact, and the strategic implications of an expanded code set. The survey was conducted in May and June 2014.
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Beth WalshNov 05, 2014
The majority of healthcare organizations are ready to conduct end-to-end ICD-10 testing, according to a survey conducted by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and eHealth Initiative.
Smaller organizations, however, such as physician practices, appear less equipped to test and are less informed regarding when their business partners will be prepared to conduct testing.
The survey of 454 individuals represented a wide range of healthcare settings including delivery systems, acute care hospitals, clinics and physician practices and sought to gauge readiness for testing and implementation, anticipated financial, clinical, and operational impact, and the strategic implications of an expanded code set. The survey was conducted in May and June 2014.
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Drawing Detailed Codes: Q&A with the Creator of ICD-10 Illustrated #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Drawing Detailed Codes: Q&A with the Creator of ICD-10 Illustrated
November 5, 2014 by Gabriel Perna
Being situated in one of America's health IT hubs and having worked for one of the largest health IT companies in the world means spending a lot of time thinking about health IT.
That is the case for Nikolai Skievaski, who is based out of Madison, Wisc. For more than three years, Skievaski worked for Epic Systems, the large electronic health record (EHR) developer based in the Badger State's capital city. He worked with company executives to look for innovations.
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November 5, 2014 by Gabriel Perna
Being situated in one of America's health IT hubs and having worked for one of the largest health IT companies in the world means spending a lot of time thinking about health IT.
That is the case for Nikolai Skievaski, who is based out of Madison, Wisc. For more than three years, Skievaski worked for Epic Systems, the large electronic health record (EHR) developer based in the Badger State's capital city. He worked with company executives to look for innovations.
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Healthcare Organizations Show Mix of Concern, Optimism about ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Healthcare Organizations Show Mix of Concern, Optimism about ICD-10 - HDM Top Stories Article | Health Data Management
Greg Slabodkin
NOV 5, 2014
As healthcare organizations start the countdown to the October 2015 ICD-10 compliance deadline, a majority in a recent survey say they are far enough along in the implementation process to conduct end-to-end testing. However, smaller organizations—such as physician practices—appear less equipped to test. In addition, they are not aware of when their business partners will be prepared to conduct testing.
Those are among the findings of a survey of 454 individuals representing a wide range of healthcare settings including delivery systems, acute care hospitals, clinics and physician practices. The ICD-10 survey, conducted by the American Health Information Management Association and eHealth Initiative, assesses organizations’ readiness for testing and implementation, as well as anticipated financial, clinical and operational affects
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Greg Slabodkin
NOV 5, 2014
As healthcare organizations start the countdown to the October 2015 ICD-10 compliance deadline, a majority in a recent survey say they are far enough along in the implementation process to conduct end-to-end testing. However, smaller organizations—such as physician practices—appear less equipped to test. In addition, they are not aware of when their business partners will be prepared to conduct testing.
Those are among the findings of a survey of 454 individuals representing a wide range of healthcare settings including delivery systems, acute care hospitals, clinics and physician practices. The ICD-10 survey, conducted by the American Health Information Management Association and eHealth Initiative, assesses organizations’ readiness for testing and implementation, as well as anticipated financial, clinical and operational affects
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CMS Says Now is Time to Prepare for ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
CMS Says Now is Time to Prepare for ICD-10 - HDM Top Stories Article | Health Data Management
Greg Slabodkin
NOV 6, 2014
With 328 days left until the ICD-10 compliance deadline of October 1, 2015, now is the time to get ready for the code switchover, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
“Many of you may think ‘Well, I have another year to go,’” said Denesecia Green of CMS’ Administrative Simplification Group during a Nov. 5 Medicare Learning Network webinar. But, time is of the essence, Green said, adding, “pre-work is the important piece in getting your organization ready for ICD-10.”
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Greg Slabodkin
NOV 6, 2014
With 328 days left until the ICD-10 compliance deadline of October 1, 2015, now is the time to get ready for the code switchover, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
“Many of you may think ‘Well, I have another year to go,’” said Denesecia Green of CMS’ Administrative Simplification Group during a Nov. 5 Medicare Learning Network webinar. But, time is of the essence, Green said, adding, “pre-work is the important piece in getting your organization ready for ICD-10.”
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ICD-10 Improvement for Physicians Requires Fast, Simple Tools #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
ICD-10 Improvement for Physicians Requires Fast, Simple Tools |
Author Jennifer Bresnick | Date November 5, 2014
Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) for ICD-10 is one of the perpetual pain points tormenting healthcare organizations in the lead-up to October 1, 2015. Overworked physicians are frustrated by the sheer scope of changes that they are being asked to make to their workflows and technologies, and since ICD-10 has been delayed so many times in the past, it’s difficult to get providers to register a sense of urgency when it comes to the new codes.
At Beverly Hospital in Montebello, California, Emergency Department Director Richard Garcia, MD, MPP, MHA,is anything but lackadaisical when it comes to ICD-10 preparation. As a practicing emergency department physician and passionate health IT junkie, Dr. Garcia took CDI and ICD-10 coding into his own hands, developing software templates and serving as an evangelist for better documentation that goes far beyond the requirements of the new codes.
Dr. Garcia sat down with EHRintelligence to discuss how healthcare organizations can leverage EHR tools and technologies to engage physicians in clinical documentation improvements that save time and boost efficiency across the hospital.
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Author Jennifer Bresnick | Date November 5, 2014
Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) for ICD-10 is one of the perpetual pain points tormenting healthcare organizations in the lead-up to October 1, 2015. Overworked physicians are frustrated by the sheer scope of changes that they are being asked to make to their workflows and technologies, and since ICD-10 has been delayed so many times in the past, it’s difficult to get providers to register a sense of urgency when it comes to the new codes.
At Beverly Hospital in Montebello, California, Emergency Department Director Richard Garcia, MD, MPP, MHA,is anything but lackadaisical when it comes to ICD-10 preparation. As a practicing emergency department physician and passionate health IT junkie, Dr. Garcia took CDI and ICD-10 coding into his own hands, developing software templates and serving as an evangelist for better documentation that goes far beyond the requirements of the new codes.
Dr. Garcia sat down with EHRintelligence to discuss how healthcare organizations can leverage EHR tools and technologies to engage physicians in clinical documentation improvements that save time and boost efficiency across the hospital.
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Continuing Education Classes for Nov/Dec at UC College #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Continuing Education Classes for November/December at Union County College |
Print Suburban News By Suburban News
on November 05, 2014 at 1:26 PM, updated November 05, 2014 at 1:31 PM
The Office of Continuing Education at Union County College announce that there are still many more courses to choose from this fall. The Continuing Education Department offers non-credit classes for professional development, career enhancement, leisure and personal enrichment, courses in Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL).
The professional development classes that are still available include Pet First Aid/CPR, Microsoft Project 2013, Computers for Beginners, Getting Started in Google Drive, Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced, Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees, Fundamentals of Federal Taxation, ICD-9-CM Coding, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding, Medical Office Procedures, Heart Saver CPR/AED Course and Nutrition Concepts for Success.
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Print Suburban News By Suburban News
on November 05, 2014 at 1:26 PM, updated November 05, 2014 at 1:31 PM
The Office of Continuing Education at Union County College announce that there are still many more courses to choose from this fall. The Continuing Education Department offers non-credit classes for professional development, career enhancement, leisure and personal enrichment, courses in Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL).
The professional development classes that are still available include Pet First Aid/CPR, Microsoft Project 2013, Computers for Beginners, Getting Started in Google Drive, Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced, Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees, Fundamentals of Federal Taxation, ICD-9-CM Coding, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding, Medical Office Procedures, Heart Saver CPR/AED Course and Nutrition Concepts for Success.
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Part 21, Procedures: Question #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
ICD-10-PCS, Root Operations – Part 21, Procedures: Question : Codebusters
Part 21, Procedures: Question
We have primarily focused on inpatient procedures in the Coding Tidbits. However, most hospitals require dual coding for outpatient procedures, both ICD and CPT. The Placement section includes several types of outpatient procedures, procedures which we will discuss this week.
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Part 21, Procedures: Question
We have primarily focused on inpatient procedures in the Coding Tidbits. However, most hospitals require dual coding for outpatient procedures, both ICD and CPT. The Placement section includes several types of outpatient procedures, procedures which we will discuss this week.
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Transitioning to ICD-10 -Slideshow - #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
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How to tell if ICD-10 implementation will be delayed again #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
How to tell if ICD-10 implementation will be delayed again | ICD10 Watch
Posted on Wed, Nov 05, 2014 - 08:00 am
While Tuesday's election was important for many reasons, none of them have a direct impact on the ICD-10 debate.
This is a behind the scenes issue that doesn't appear in an election speech or advertisement. Thus I don't know if there is U.S. Representative or Senator who harbors a deep hatred of ICD-9 coding and will not let anything get in the way of ICD-10 implementation Oct. 1.
And it doesn't matter who controls the U.S. Senate. This is kind of a non-partisan non-issue.
There are some other Capitol Hill events that can affect the ICD-10 timeline.
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Posted on Wed, Nov 05, 2014 - 08:00 am
While Tuesday's election was important for many reasons, none of them have a direct impact on the ICD-10 debate.
This is a behind the scenes issue that doesn't appear in an election speech or advertisement. Thus I don't know if there is U.S. Representative or Senator who harbors a deep hatred of ICD-9 coding and will not let anything get in the way of ICD-10 implementation Oct. 1.
And it doesn't matter who controls the U.S. Senate. This is kind of a non-partisan non-issue.
There are some other Capitol Hill events that can affect the ICD-10 timeline.
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How a pharmacy healthcare services provider ensured compliance with ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
How a pharmacy healthcare services provider ensured compliance with ICD-10
Case Study
Business need addressed
Migration to ICD-10 is critical for the healthcare industry to ensure compliance and to prevent revenue leakage and protect profitability. However, ensuring seamless operation across payer and providers’ systems and processes can be complex and costly
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How a pharmacy healthcare services provider ensured compliance with ICD-10
Case Study
Business need addressed
Migration to ICD-10 is critical for the healthcare industry to ensure compliance and to prevent revenue leakage and protect profitability. However, ensuring seamless operation across payer and providers’ systems and processes can be complex and costly
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Don’t forget about approach for ICD-10-PCS - #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Don’t forget about approach for ICD-10-PCS -
November 4, 2014
ICD-10-PCS codes consist of seven characters, each of which identifies a unique, specific piece of information. For most of the codes in the Medical and Surgical section, each character represents the same information every time.
The fifth character in every code identifies the approach. In the Medical and Surgical section, coders will find seven different approach characters composed of three components:
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November 4, 2014
ICD-10-PCS codes consist of seven characters, each of which identifies a unique, specific piece of information. For most of the codes in the Medical and Surgical section, each character represents the same information every time.
The fifth character in every code identifies the approach. In the Medical and Surgical section, coders will find seven different approach characters composed of three components:
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Afternoon Funny
For your entertainment

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Failed Health IT Investments Put Some Hospitals' Finances at Risk Click the link above for access to the article #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Failed Health IT Investments Put Some Hospitals' Finances at Risk - iHealthBeat
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Hospitals that are struggling financially say large health IT investments, such as electronic health records, health information exchange technology and patient portals, are hindering efforts to upgrade revenue cycle software, according to a new Black Book Market Research survey, Healthcare Informatics reports (Perna, Healthcare Informatics, 11/3).
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Hospitals that are struggling financially say large health IT investments, such as electronic health records, health information exchange technology and patient portals, are hindering efforts to upgrade revenue cycle software, according to a new Black Book Market Research survey, Healthcare Informatics reports (Perna, Healthcare Informatics, 11/3).
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Midterm Election Results Could Have Implications for Health IT #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Midterm Election Results Could Have Implications for Health IT - iHealthBeat
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The results of the midterm elections could have an effect on future health IT policy, Politico's "Morning eHealth" reports.
Returning and incoming members of both the House and the newly Republican-led Senate will be in positions to advance health IT legislation.
Health IT Now Executive Director Joel White noted that several soon-to-be senators have health policy backgrounds and could be inclined to approve health IT legislation.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The results of the midterm elections could have an effect on future health IT policy, Politico's "Morning eHealth" reports.
Returning and incoming members of both the House and the newly Republican-led Senate will be in positions to advance health IT legislation.
Health IT Now Executive Director Joel White noted that several soon-to-be senators have health policy backgrounds and could be inclined to approve health IT legislation.
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Five Frequently Asked Questions About ICD-10 #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Five Frequently Asked Questions About ICD-10 | CareThreads
NOVEMBER 3, 2014
On Oct. 1, 2015, the healthcare diagnostic process will undergo a fundamental shift. Starting that day, the ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition) code sets used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures will be replaced by the ICD-10 code set. Any organizations who fail to comply will be unable to bill for any services provided after that date, which could severely impact their cash flow and their ability to deliver care to the country’s most vulnerable populations.
Five Frequently Asked Questions About ICD-10:
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
NOVEMBER 3, 2014
On Oct. 1, 2015, the healthcare diagnostic process will undergo a fundamental shift. Starting that day, the ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition) code sets used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures will be replaced by the ICD-10 code set. Any organizations who fail to comply will be unable to bill for any services provided after that date, which could severely impact their cash flow and their ability to deliver care to the country’s most vulnerable populations.
Five Frequently Asked Questions About ICD-10:
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
ICD-10: Do They Mean It This Time? #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
ICD-10: Do They Mean It This Time? » athenahealth CloudView Blog
I’m always asked the same ICD-10 questions: Is the October 2015 deadline real this time? Are the feds going to punt again? They aren’t ever going to pull the trigger on ICD-10, right?
All reasonable questions, especially after the October 2014 deadline — supposedly a hard-and-fast date — was unceremoniously kicked down the road by a year.
When it comes to ICD-10, providers fall generally into two categories: Those who actually invested time and money to be ready for October 2014, and, having been burnt once badly, are leery of approaching the ICD-10 stove again. Then there are providers who feel validated that they had correctly bet the feds would blink — and may be more comfortable making that bet again next year.
The policy meteorologists uniformly predicted stormy weather. Yet a whole lot of people went outside without an umbrella and ended up enjoying a beautiful, sunny day. Why shouldn’t the same scenario play out again in 2015?
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
I’m always asked the same ICD-10 questions: Is the October 2015 deadline real this time? Are the feds going to punt again? They aren’t ever going to pull the trigger on ICD-10, right?
All reasonable questions, especially after the October 2014 deadline — supposedly a hard-and-fast date — was unceremoniously kicked down the road by a year.
When it comes to ICD-10, providers fall generally into two categories: Those who actually invested time and money to be ready for October 2014, and, having been burnt once badly, are leery of approaching the ICD-10 stove again. Then there are providers who feel validated that they had correctly bet the feds would blink — and may be more comfortable making that bet again next year.
The policy meteorologists uniformly predicted stormy weather. Yet a whole lot of people went outside without an umbrella and ended up enjoying a beautiful, sunny day. Why shouldn’t the same scenario play out again in 2015?
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
Guest Post: ICD-10 Readiness: Countdown considerations #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Guest Post: ICD-10 Readiness: Countdown considerations | ICD10 Watch
Posted on Tue, Nov 04, 2014 - 08:00 am
The recent ICD-10 Industry Readiness Survey by the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) confirms what I have suspected and have been experiencing in the field – the delay of the ICD-10 rollout has bred procrastination, especially among providers.
Two thirds of the 324 providers who responded to the survey slowed their efforts or halted them completely when ICD-10 implementation was delayed last April. Payers have done somewhat better. Anecdotally, I’ve heard that when the delay was announced, precious resources for ICD-10 readiness were diverted to other initiatives by both providers and payers.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
Posted on Tue, Nov 04, 2014 - 08:00 am
The recent ICD-10 Industry Readiness Survey by the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) confirms what I have suspected and have been experiencing in the field – the delay of the ICD-10 rollout has bred procrastination, especially among providers.
Two thirds of the 324 providers who responded to the survey slowed their efforts or halted them completely when ICD-10 implementation was delayed last April. Payers have done somewhat better. Anecdotally, I’ve heard that when the delay was announced, precious resources for ICD-10 readiness were diverted to other initiatives by both providers and payers.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
Survey: Most Large Healthcare Providers Ready for ICD-10 Testing #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Survey: Most Large Healthcare Providers Ready for ICD-10 Testing | Journal of AHIMA
Nov 04, 2014 03:23 pm
posted by Chris Dimick
More healthcare executives recognize the long-term benefits of using ICD-10-CM/PCS than a year ago, according to a new eHealth Initiative (eHI)/AHIMA survey, and plan to use the code set for quality improvement and performance measurement once it is implemented. And while the majority of respondents working in larger healthcare organizations said they are far enough along in their implementation process to conduct end-to-end testing on ICD-10 before the October 1, 2015 deadline, smaller organizations said they are less equipped to test.
A report based on the survey was released Tuesday by AHIMA and eHI that provides a look at just how prepared healthcare organizations are for the upcoming ICD-10 implementation and how they think ICD-10 will impact their operations.
Areas of focus for the survey included readiness for testing and implementation, anticipated financial, clinical, and operational impact, and the strategic implications of an expanded code set. A total of 454 healthcare representatives, mainly from hospitals and physicians practices, participated in the survey conducted in May and June 2014.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
Nov 04, 2014 03:23 pm
posted by Chris Dimick
More healthcare executives recognize the long-term benefits of using ICD-10-CM/PCS than a year ago, according to a new eHealth Initiative (eHI)/AHIMA survey, and plan to use the code set for quality improvement and performance measurement once it is implemented. And while the majority of respondents working in larger healthcare organizations said they are far enough along in their implementation process to conduct end-to-end testing on ICD-10 before the October 1, 2015 deadline, smaller organizations said they are less equipped to test.
A report based on the survey was released Tuesday by AHIMA and eHI that provides a look at just how prepared healthcare organizations are for the upcoming ICD-10 implementation and how they think ICD-10 will impact their operations.
Areas of focus for the survey included readiness for testing and implementation, anticipated financial, clinical, and operational impact, and the strategic implications of an expanded code set. A total of 454 healthcare representatives, mainly from hospitals and physicians practices, participated in the survey conducted in May and June 2014.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Get Remediator to assist in your readiness for the ICD-10 switchover
Dispatches from MGMA: ICD-10, analytics and collaboration #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Dispatches from MGMA: ICD-10, analytics and collaboration | Government Health IT
November 04, 2014 | Frank Irving, Editor, Medical Practice Insider
Picking up where I left off previously, here's a recap of information gathered from the exhibit hall during MGMA's annual conference earlier this week.
As you'll see, vendors are keying in on analyzing and automating the claims management process on the business side of small and midsize practices. On the professional side, they continue to look for ways to attract and engage physicians in community discussions, and encourage contact with colleagues.
Remember ICD-10?
Considering the upcoming ICD-10 conversion's potentially pricey ticket for small practices, I was advised to keep my eyes on a latent pivot point for the industry.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
November 04, 2014 | Frank Irving, Editor, Medical Practice Insider
Picking up where I left off previously, here's a recap of information gathered from the exhibit hall during MGMA's annual conference earlier this week.
As you'll see, vendors are keying in on analyzing and automating the claims management process on the business side of small and midsize practices. On the professional side, they continue to look for ways to attract and engage physicians in community discussions, and encourage contact with colleagues.
Remember ICD-10?
Considering the upcoming ICD-10 conversion's potentially pricey ticket for small practices, I was advised to keep my eyes on a latent pivot point for the industry.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Integrating from ICD-9 to ICD-10 « garrettcolglazier #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Integrating from ICD-9 to ICD-10 « garrettcolglazier
These past two years, hospitals and physician offices across the country were preparing for one of the biggest changes to occur in healthcare, the implementation of ICD-10 CM/PCS. Those organizations that had fallen behind on their implementation process were relieved to find out that the date of ICD-10 was to be pushed back from October of 2013 to October of 2014. This side of the spectrum had a big say in whether the date should be pushed back because of their lack of preparation in the first place.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
These past two years, hospitals and physician offices across the country were preparing for one of the biggest changes to occur in healthcare, the implementation of ICD-10 CM/PCS. Those organizations that had fallen behind on their implementation process were relieved to find out that the date of ICD-10 was to be pushed back from October of 2013 to October of 2014. This side of the spectrum had a big say in whether the date should be pushed back because of their lack of preparation in the first place.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Using Clinical Data Analytics To Support Your Clients’ Most Important Goals #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Using Clinical Data Analytics To Support Your Clients’ Most Important Goals
By Megan Williams, contributing writer
The organizational impact of EHR (electronic health record) systems on your clients is possibly best managed and improved through refining the content of the records itself. With ICD-10 looming, this fine-tuning process is becoming even more important in aligning EHR performance with organizational goals. Clinical data integrity (CDI) is the bridge between the EHR and the metrics your clients find most important on a daily basis.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
By Megan Williams, contributing writer
The organizational impact of EHR (electronic health record) systems on your clients is possibly best managed and improved through refining the content of the records itself. With ICD-10 looming, this fine-tuning process is becoming even more important in aligning EHR performance with organizational goals. Clinical data integrity (CDI) is the bridge between the EHR and the metrics your clients find most important on a daily basis.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Hospital CIOs dealing with 'intense' landscape #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Hospital CIOs dealing with 'intense' landscape
November 5, 2014 6:00 am by Dan Verel
Interoperable EMRWith all the rapid change occurring within health IT — from Silicon Valley and tech jumping feet first into healthcare with promises of disruption to Meaningful Use and ICD-10 to interoperability – the role of hospital CIOs is increasingly resembling that of an embattled soldier.
So much so that Jim Turnbull, CIO for University of Utah Heatlth Care, has taken to using military terminology to describe his job — VUCA, short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
Turnbull tells the efficiently named that things are “intense,” and for anyone who’s paid slight attention to healthcare, it’s not hard to figure out why. If the implementation of EHR systems and all the fun that comes with that wasn’t enough, the entire landscape shifted dramatically within a short three years.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
November 5, 2014 6:00 am by Dan Verel
Interoperable EMRWith all the rapid change occurring within health IT — from Silicon Valley and tech jumping feet first into healthcare with promises of disruption to Meaningful Use and ICD-10 to interoperability – the role of hospital CIOs is increasingly resembling that of an embattled soldier.
So much so that Jim Turnbull, CIO for University of Utah Heatlth Care, has taken to using military terminology to describe his job — VUCA, short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
Turnbull tells the efficiently named that things are “intense,” and for anyone who’s paid slight attention to healthcare, it’s not hard to figure out why. If the implementation of EHR systems and all the fun that comes with that wasn’t enough, the entire landscape shifted dramatically within a short three years.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
The Impact of the ICD-10 Delays #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
HealthLeaders Magazine - October 2014 - Page 48-49
The Impact of the ICD-10 Delay
Scott Mace, for HealthLeaders Media, November 4, 2014
Despite a Congress-mandated fourth delay of the implementation deadline, ICD-10 preparations continue, though the effect on organizations varies.
Although Congressional action has postponed the ICD-10 coding mandate until at least October 1, 2015, preparations to adopt it continue at a slower pace, even though physician opposition to the mandate remains steadfast.
"We were prepared to be ready October 1 of 2014," says Randy McCleese, vice president of information systems and CIO at St. Claire Regional Medical Center in Morehead, Kentucky, which has 110 staffed beds and 2013 revenue of about $126 million.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
The Impact of the ICD-10 Delay
Scott Mace, for HealthLeaders Media, November 4, 2014
Despite a Congress-mandated fourth delay of the implementation deadline, ICD-10 preparations continue, though the effect on organizations varies.
Although Congressional action has postponed the ICD-10 coding mandate until at least October 1, 2015, preparations to adopt it continue at a slower pace, even though physician opposition to the mandate remains steadfast.
"We were prepared to be ready October 1 of 2014," says Randy McCleese, vice president of information systems and CIO at St. Claire Regional Medical Center in Morehead, Kentucky, which has 110 staffed beds and 2013 revenue of about $126 million.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
The AMA’s sometimes contradictory but evolving stance on ICD-10 | #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
The AMA’s sometimes contradictory but evolving stance on ICD-10 | Government Health IT
November 05, 2014 | Carl Natale, Editor, ICD10Watch
I must confess I was shocked last week. Not by a ghost or Halloween monster ringing by door bell. But by the American Medical Association (AMA).
Yes, the AMA is usually considered scary by ICD-10 advocates. But they pleasantly startled me with a bit of relative whimsy by publishing ICD-10 examples of injuries sustained during Halloween activities — including being bitten by a vampire.
It wasn't all whimsy, of course, because half the post was used to explain the many ways AMA opposes ICD-10 implementation because of the cost, right alongside a pitch to buy AMA ICD-10 resources.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
November 05, 2014 | Carl Natale, Editor, ICD10Watch
I must confess I was shocked last week. Not by a ghost or Halloween monster ringing by door bell. But by the American Medical Association (AMA).
Yes, the AMA is usually considered scary by ICD-10 advocates. But they pleasantly startled me with a bit of relative whimsy by publishing ICD-10 examples of injuries sustained during Halloween activities — including being bitten by a vampire.
It wasn't all whimsy, of course, because half the post was used to explain the many ways AMA opposes ICD-10 implementation because of the cost, right alongside a pitch to buy AMA ICD-10 resources.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Acute Respiratory Deaths Plunging #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
The size of the study was impressive, but relying on ICD-9 codes has drawbacks. "It brings a certain lack of granularity in understanding the findings because of the inconsistency of diagnostic codes, said Dr. Stigler.
Acute Respiratory Deaths Plunging
Jim Kling
November 04, 2014
AUSTIN, Texas — Mortality from acute respiratory distress syndrome has dropped by 31%, according to a 15-year retrospective analysis of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes.
A sharp decline from 2000 to 2005 might be related to the introduction of low tidal volume ventilation, researchers report.
No previous meta-analyses have demonstrated a clear mortality trend, according to Jared Radbel, MD, a fellow at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, New Jersey, who presented the research here at CHEST 2014.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Acute Respiratory Deaths Plunging
Jim Kling
November 04, 2014
AUSTIN, Texas — Mortality from acute respiratory distress syndrome has dropped by 31%, according to a 15-year retrospective analysis of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes.
A sharp decline from 2000 to 2005 might be related to the introduction of low tidal volume ventilation, researchers report.
No previous meta-analyses have demonstrated a clear mortality trend, according to Jared Radbel, MD, a fellow at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, New Jersey, who presented the research here at CHEST 2014.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Just for fun, Don't fart during an MRI #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Afternoon funny
Don't Fart During an MRI
Posted: 10/27/2014 4:33 pm EDT Updated: 10/27/2014 4:59 pm EDT
I share this true but pathetic story to commiserate with other tortured souls who relentlessly endure and survive extreme humiliation. We're a group of accident-prone fools who regularly trigger embarrassing situations that would permanently traumatize a normal person. My experience this week will be difficult to surpass: I farted inside an MRI machine.
In medical terms, I had torn the meniscus cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between my shinbone and thighbone. In middle-age woman terms, two demons from hell invaded my body and lit fires in my knee and then danced around poking the raw nerves with electric forks. The pain was beyond intense, and the accident severely damaged my body so I couldn't stand, walk, or even crawl to the wine bar....
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Don't Fart During an MRI
Posted: 10/27/2014 4:33 pm EDT Updated: 10/27/2014 4:59 pm EDT
I share this true but pathetic story to commiserate with other tortured souls who relentlessly endure and survive extreme humiliation. We're a group of accident-prone fools who regularly trigger embarrassing situations that would permanently traumatize a normal person. My experience this week will be difficult to surpass: I farted inside an MRI machine.
In medical terms, I had torn the meniscus cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between my shinbone and thighbone. In middle-age woman terms, two demons from hell invaded my body and lit fires in my knee and then danced around poking the raw nerves with electric forks. The pain was beyond intense, and the accident severely damaged my body so I couldn't stand, walk, or even crawl to the wine bar....
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
SCARY - You missed the sale.Remediator still the best value #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
We made it past Halloween.
Congratulations to all those who got to take advantage of our Scary sale.
You may have missed the deadline, but Remediator still provides the best value in the industry.
If you have need for tools to assist in your ICD-10 projects, let us help. or
Congratulations to all those who got to take advantage of our Scary sale.
You may have missed the deadline, but Remediator still provides the best value in the industry.
If you have need for tools to assist in your ICD-10 projects, let us help. or
CDI by Service –Musculoskeletal Diseases/Orthopedic Surgery #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Clinical Documentation Improvement by Service –Musculoskeletal Diseases/Orthopedic Surgery
Written by Laurie M. Johnson, MS, RHIA, CPC-H, FAHIMA | Monday, 03 November 2014 00:00
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third article is the continuation of a series of articles on clinical documentation improvement by clinical service.
Musculoskeletal disease treatment and orthopedic surgery: Coding of these services will be challenging under ICD-10-CM/PCS. What are the necessary documentation changes? Let’s take a look at some examples.
Osteoarthritis: The documentation of osteoarthritis does not change significantly between the two classification systems. ICD-10-CM has the sub-classifications of secondary, primary, post-traumatic, and generalized, which is different from the “localized” and “generalized” classifications used in ICD-9-CM. The most obvious change between the two is that ICD-10-CM can identify laterality, which should impact claims editing. For example, X-rays performed on the right knee should have a diagnosis that identifies the right knee.
Complications of a Device: These can include mechanical issues and infections in both classification systems, but ICD-10-CM provides more specificity regarding the joint (laterality and anatomic site) with the complication. The complication type (loosening, pain, infection, prosthetic fracture, misalignment, etc.) should be clearly documented in the clinical information. Both classification systems have an instruction to add the joint replacement status code. For example, in ICD-9-CM, 996.44 represents the peri-prosthetic fracture around the prosthetic joint. If the knee joint is the problem area, then V43.65 would be an additional code. In ICD-10-CM, T84.842A represents the peri-prosthetic fracture around the right knee joint. In this case, the “use additional code to indicate the joint replacement status” is not needed. ICD-10-CM provides more information in one code regarding the laterality, the exact site, and the episode of care. In the previous example, while ICD-9-CM does give specific information regarding the type of complication, it never provides the laterality specificity.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Written by Laurie M. Johnson, MS, RHIA, CPC-H, FAHIMA | Monday, 03 November 2014 00:00
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third article is the continuation of a series of articles on clinical documentation improvement by clinical service.
Musculoskeletal disease treatment and orthopedic surgery: Coding of these services will be challenging under ICD-10-CM/PCS. What are the necessary documentation changes? Let’s take a look at some examples.
Osteoarthritis: The documentation of osteoarthritis does not change significantly between the two classification systems. ICD-10-CM has the sub-classifications of secondary, primary, post-traumatic, and generalized, which is different from the “localized” and “generalized” classifications used in ICD-9-CM. The most obvious change between the two is that ICD-10-CM can identify laterality, which should impact claims editing. For example, X-rays performed on the right knee should have a diagnosis that identifies the right knee.
Complications of a Device: These can include mechanical issues and infections in both classification systems, but ICD-10-CM provides more specificity regarding the joint (laterality and anatomic site) with the complication. The complication type (loosening, pain, infection, prosthetic fracture, misalignment, etc.) should be clearly documented in the clinical information. Both classification systems have an instruction to add the joint replacement status code. For example, in ICD-9-CM, 996.44 represents the peri-prosthetic fracture around the prosthetic joint. If the knee joint is the problem area, then V43.65 would be an additional code. In ICD-10-CM, T84.842A represents the peri-prosthetic fracture around the right knee joint. In this case, the “use additional code to indicate the joint replacement status” is not needed. ICD-10-CM provides more information in one code regarding the laterality, the exact site, and the episode of care. In the previous example, while ICD-9-CM does give specific information regarding the type of complication, it never provides the laterality specificity.
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Cerner ICD-10 cut-over testing #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
ISSUU - Cerner Women's Health Newsletter_November 2014 by Cerner
Cerner ICD-10 cut-over testing featured
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
Cerner ICD-10 cut-over testing featured
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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT
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