
The Greater Good and ICD-10 - #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters

We are all calling our reps and senators, we are all calling our state reps.

We need celebrity endorsement of the cause..

I encourage Dr. Nancy Snyderman  https://plus.google.com/108193683342883133875/posts  on G+ and @DrNancyNBCNEWS on twitter

I encourage Dr. Jon Lapook +CBSNews  @DrLaPook on twitter

I encourage Dr. Oz  +DrOz on G+  @DrOz on Twitter 

AND any other celebrity Doctor/Medical expert with a handle on the public's opinion, to champion the cause for ICD-10.

ICD-9 has no code for Ebola, but that is only part of the story.  Without the specificity in ICD-10 we cannot advance the health of the nation and protect ourselves or our loved ones.

Great article below, click through to read...

The Greater Good and ICD-10 - HITECH Answers : HITECH Answers

The Greater Good and ICD-10

August 11, 2014 | 

ODell2014The Value of Precise Morbidity Data

By Rosann M. O’Dell, D.H.Sc., MS, RHIA, CDIP
Twitter: @RosannMODell
In May of 1990, the 43rd World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization endorsed the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) and recommended it for international use. Since that time, the adoption of ICD-10 in the United States remains complicated despite United States participation at the World Health Assembly in 1990. As of the present day, a clinical modification of ICD-10 (or, the United States version ICD-10-CM/PCS) remains available but not yet implemented

Click the link above for access to the rest of article
#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters

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