
A grand farce — electronics health records | #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

A grand farce — electronics health records | Longboat Key News

A grand farce — electronics health records

Contributing Columnist
The Electronic Health Record has become required by government fiat. It has promised much – better care, better health, lower costs. About $24 billion in subsidies have been spent, with total costs in untold billions. The end result – a colossal boondoggle proving – beyond the shadow of a doubt – that health is not the end product of American medical care. Your health – physical, mental, social and spiritual – doesn’t have a chance against protected monopolistic profits.
Other countries don’t have this problem – go to Sweden, Britain, Norway. Electronic health records allow for rapid dissemination of information; national public health indices; cheap clinical trials; and the increased ability of administrators to figure out what works and what does not.
But those are also countries with far better health statistics than us – and with medical care that costs vastly less. Better results for far less money – who would ever want to copy that?

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#ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

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