
Linda Reed on ICD-10: Prepare and don't get caught short - #ICD10 #ICDRemediator #ICD10Matters #HealthIT

Linda Reed on ICD-10: Prepare and don't get caught short - FierceHealthIT 

November 3, 2014 | By Dan Bowman

Despite yet another delay in the transition to ICD-10, providers still must remain focused and alert to ensure that, should implementation go forward on Oct. 1, 2015, cash flow remains uninterrupted. That was the message last week from Linda Reed (pictured right), vice president and CIO at Morristown, New Jersey-based Atlantic Health System.

"Many [CIOs] were embarrassed because we were adamant about the fact that ICD-10 was going to happen in 2014," Reed, who also serves on FierceHealthIT's Editorial Advisory Board, said at the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives fall forum in San Antonio, Texas, last week. "We said to our boards--we said it to everyone--'yes, it's going to happen,' and then they pulled the rug out from under us, so we looked a little silly. Today, we still have board members asking if 'is it going to happen?' Not one of us wants to say yes."

However, she said, that's not an option; instead, productivity and revenue must be viewed in a synergistic manner when keeping ICD-10 needs in mind.

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